En esta sección encontrarás información relevante en tu proceso de admisión al Máster en Bitcoin de la Universidad de las Hespérides. No dudes en consultarnos si tienes alguna pregunta o deseas más información.


To apply for admission to the master's program, fill out the following form:

    Contact information
    Personal information
    Residency information
    What program do you want to apply for?

    Recommended entry profile:

    Los estudiantes que deseen cursar el Máster en Bitcoin deben estar interesados en adquirir un conocimiento profundo sobre Bitcoin. El perfil más adecuado es de una persona curiosa, con habilidades analíticas y críticas, con interés en el mercado financiero digital y en desarrollar su futura carrera profesional en áreas como la consultoría en criptomonedas, el análisis de mercados criptográficos, el desarrollo de políticas regulatorias o en la integración de Bitcoin.

    of access:

    • Las personas que deseen acceder al Máster de Bitcoin deberán contar con una licenciatura o grado universitario en cualquier ámbito de conocimiento.


    The admission process aims to identify that students meet access requirements. These are the steps to follow:

    1. Fill out the admission application.
    2. You will be asked to provide the necessary documents to certify that you meet the access requirements and an academic advisor will call you for an interview.
    3. Your application will be evaluated by the admissions committee.
    4. You will be notified if you have been accepted so that you can make your place reservation and registration.

    This program has limited spots, so once the spots are filled, no more students will be accepted. The admitted student will not have their spot guaranteed until they have made the reservation for it.  

    The Office of Admissions at the University of the Hespérides is composed of academic and administrative staff members from the University. This office is responsible for handling inquiries about the admission process and verifying that admission applications are correctly filled out and have all required supporting documentation. Once the admission documentation has been verified as complete, it is sent to the Admissions Committee for evaluation.

    The Admission Committee will be composed of an administration member, the graduate program director, a graduate program professor and the Dean of the University's Graduate School. 

    The Office of Admissions is available to the student at all times to help with any questions they may have throughout the process. It's crucial that they keep their contact information up-to-date (phone number and email address) along the way.

    Table of

    Coste del Máster en Bitcoin
    Number of installments Price Enrollment Share
    Pay in 10 installments. 7.200 750 645
    Pay in 2 installments (7.5% discount) 6.660 750 2.955
    Pay cash (15% discount) 6.120 750 5.370
    *The student will receive a Jade hardware wallet from Blockstream, which will be used during classes, and a copy of the book. La Filosofía de Bitcoin, Written by Álvaro D. María, course director.
    The deposit for the reservation of a spot is non-refundable.
    2) The payment of the remaining tuition, regardless of the chosen payment plan, is non-refundable. However, in the case that the student communicates their withdrawal within 30 days after the start of classes, it can be saved as a credit balance for the student to use in the next or following academic courses. It's essential to consider that a change in the payment plan or the number of ECTS registered may cause a variation in the price per ECTS (the amount corresponding to our price table will have to be paid).