Would you like to combine your online studies at the Universidad de las Hespérides in the Canary Islands with your in-person studies at the Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala?
Do you want to live an educational experience without borders? Now you have the opportunity to do so, studying simultaneously at the Universidad de las Hespérides and the Universidad Francisco Marroquín (UFM). Design your own itinerary and choose between studying online, from anywhere in the world, or in person at the prestigious UFM campuses in Madrid, Panama, or Guatemala. This unique opportunity will allow you to graduate from both institutions, enrich yourself culturally, and adapt your studies to your interests and needs. Get a professional profile that will set you apart in the international market!
Advantages of the program:

Two qualifications
Earn both the degree from .h and the bachelor's degree from UFM

International experiences
Live, study and learn in different cultural environments.

Geographic flexibility
Study online or in person at more than one location
Study modalities:

In-person and online (Simultaneously)
Combine your in-person classes in Guatemala or Madrid with online classes, adapting them to your convenience.

In-person and online
Complete a part of your studies in person and another completely online.

Online and simultaneous
Complete part of your studies anywhere in the world and the other in mixed mode, at the UFM campus in Guatemala and in Madrid.
The Universidad Francisco Marroquín and the Universidad de las Hespérides are united by a commitment to academic excellence, critical thinking, educational innovation, and a global perspective on education. In addition, we promote reflection on ethical, legal, and economic principles that make possible a civilization of free and responsible people. For this reason, representatives of both universities have signed a credit recognition agreement, which will allow you to combine your studies at both.
What does it mean?
You can design your own itinerary as it best suits you, choosing the different options we offer at each stage. You will have the option to study in person in Madrid, Panama or Guatemala , receiving face-to-face classes at the Universidad Francisco Marroquín or online with classes at the Universidad de las Hespérides, wherever you are.
The first part of the journey, for example, could be: studying the first three semesters of the degree in Economics (.h) and the Bachelor's degree in Economics (UFM) from home, online with .h; then, the fourth and fifth semesters at the UFM in Guatemala; then the sixth and seventh at the UFM in Madrid; finishing the eighth semester online, living in London, Hawaii or the south of France.

This opportunity will allow you to immerse yourself in diverse cultures, meet people from different backgrounds, and experience a variety of situations, both online and in the different places where you choose to pursue your studies. It will also enable you to align the location of the final stage of your studies with the professional internships you wish to undertake.
Furthermore, studying this way will allow you to obtain degrees from both institutions without extending the study duration in some of the programs we offer or, in certain cases, completing the studies in one or two additional semesters, as detailed below.
The degrees that you can study simultaneously at both universities are the following:
Degrees | ||
Universidad de las Hespérides, | Universidad Francisco Marroquín | Minimum duration |
Degree in Economics | Bachelor's Degree in Economics | 4 years - 8 semesters |
Degree in Business Administration and Management | Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration | 4 years - 8 semesters |
Degree in Entrepreneurship | Bachelor's Degree in Entrepreneurship | 4 years - 8 semesters |
Degree in Finance and Accounting | Bachelor's Degree in Economics | 4.5 years - 9 semesters |
Degree in Finance and Accounting | Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration | 5 years - 10 semesters |
Degree in Economics | Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration | 5 years - 10 semesters |
Degree in Entrepreneurship | Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration | 4.5 years - 9 semesters |
Degree in International Relations | Bachelor's Degree in Business and International Relations | 4 years - 8 semesters |
Degree in International Relations | Bachelor's Degree in Political Science | 4 years - 8 semesters |
modes of study
Choose the option that best suits your interests.
You can choose the modality when you start your studies at both institutions and change it at any time. If you already know which modality best suits your preferences when you begin, you can schedule it during the registration process at both universities. Additionally, if you are currently studying at one of the two universities, you can embark on this adventure whenever you want, as long as you pass the admission tests and are admitted to the other university.
The modalities you can choose from are the following:
Guatemala or Madrid: You will study the subjects you choose in person, at one of the UFM campuses.
Online: The subjects you choose online will be studied from your home or from the place where you wish to live (London, Paris, Buenos Aires, New York, etc.).
Guatemala or Madrid + online : You will study the subjects you select for that period in person at one of the UFM campuses and others online.
In addition, you can include the UFM Panama campus in your itinerary if you choose to pursue a degree in Entrepreneurship from the Universidad Francisco Marroquín.