In this section you will find relevant information in your admission process to Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Entrepreneurship From the University of the Hesperides. Don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions or want more information.

Steps to enroll:


Inform yourself on this page about the access requirements and fill in the admission application that you have next to you.


We will be in touch with you.


Send us the documentation that we will request from you


You will be given a personal interview and the Admissions Committee will evaluate your admission


We will communicate our admission decision to you.


To apply for admission to the Double Degree, fill in the following form: 

    Contact information
    Personal information
    Residency information
    What program do you want to apply for?

    Table of

    You can calculate the tuition fee for this double degree based on the number of credits selected. The more payment installments you choose, the less discount you'll be able to get.

    Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Entrepreneurship
    ECTS Pay in 10 installments. Pay in 2 installments
    (7.5% discount)
    Single payment
    (15% discount)
    First course 72 4,320€ per year 4.032€/year 3.672€/year
    Second course 72 4,320€ per year 4.032€/year 3.672€/year
    Third course 75 4,500€/year 4,200 € per year 3.825€/year
    Fourth course 72 4,320€ per year 4.032€/year 3.672€/year
    Fifth course 36 2,160€ per year 2,016 euros per year. 1.836€/year
    Prices for full year based on the ECTS credits of each course.
    The deposit for the reservation of a spot is non-refundable.
    2) The payment of the remaining tuition, regardless of the chosen payment plan, is non-refundable. However, in the case that the student communicates their withdrawal within 30 days after the start of classes, it can be saved as a credit balance for the student to use in the next or following academic courses. It's essential to consider that a change in the payment plan or the number of ECTS registered may cause a variation in the price per ECTS (the amount corresponding to our price table will have to be paid).

    Recommended entry profile:

    Los students who wish to take Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Entrepreneurship They should be interested in developing their future career in management and business leadership tasks. The most suitable profile is that of a person who wants to learn, has communication skills, is reflective and critical, and is interested in developing their future career in launching and managing new businesses, projects, or products.

    Basic Requirements


    It is recommended that those interested in the Double Degree have a minimum English level of B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference, as 12 credits will be taken in English in the final course.

    Computer team

    In addition, they are required to have a personal computer with headphones, microphone, and webcam with internet connection given the modality of delivery of the title.

    of access:

    People who wish to access the Double Degree must have one of the following qualifications:

    • Students in possession of a Bachelor's degree from the Spanish Education System or another equivalent declared system.
    • Students in possession of a European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate diploma.
    • Students holding degrees, diplomas, or High School or Baccalaureate studies from educational systems of member states of the European Union or other countries with which international agreements have been signed applicable in this regard, on a reciprocal basis.
    • Students in possession of degrees, diplomas or studies homologated to the Bachelor's degree of the Spanish Educational System, obtained or carried out in educational systems of states that are not members of the European Union and with which no international agreements have been signed for the recognition of the Bachelor's degree on a reciprocal basis.
    • Students in possession of the official Higher Technical Professional Training titles, of Higher Arts and Design Technician titles or of Superior Sports Technician titles belonging to the Spanish Educational System, or of titles, diplomas or studies declared equivalent or validated to those titles.
    • Students in possession of titles, diplomas or studies, different from those equivalent to the Bachelor's degree, Higher Technical Training in Vocational Education and Training, Higher Arts and Design Technician, or Higher Sports Technician degree from the Spanish Educational System, obtained or completed in a member state of the European Union or in other states with which international agreements have been signed applicable in this regard, on a reciprocal basis, when such students meet the academic requirements demanded in said member state to access its universities.
    • People over 25 years old who surpass the access test established in this royal decree.
    • Individuals over 40 years of age with work or professional experience related to teaching.
    • Individuals over 45 years old who pass the access test established in the Royal Decree.
    • Students in possession of an official university degree at the undergraduate or Master's level, or equivalent title.
    • Students in possession of an official university degree of University Diploma Holder, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer, Graduate, Architect, Engineer, corresponding to the previous ordering of university studies or equivalent title.
    • Students who have taken partial foreign or Spanish university studies, or those who having completed foreign university studies have not obtained homologation in Spain and wish to continue studying at a Spanish university. In this case, it will be an indispensable requirement that the corresponding university has recognized at least 30 credits.
    • Students who would have been able to access the university according to previous rankings of the Spanish Educational System prior to Law Organic 8/2013, of December 9.

    In the event that there are candidates who present some type of disability or special need, they must indicate this in the application form. They will be attended to by the Admissions Office to help them carry out the admission process. The evaluation of specific educational needs, such as curricular adaptations or alternative study itineraries, as well as specific teacher guidelines, will be carried out by the Diversity Support Unit and coordinated with the program director and coordinator.

    Criteria for

    The University values all aspects of the application as a whole, conducting, in accordance with the entry profile established for Double Degree, a weighted and global evaluation of the following factors:

    Registration processing in the
    Double Degree:

    The candidate, once accepted, registers independently for each of the two courses and communicates at the time of registration that they will be taking simultaneous studies. 

    Concurrent enrollment will be requested in any academic course. The request must be submitted to the University's General Secretary, who will approve or deny the request if it does not meet the access requirements or other established by the University. 

    The student must obtain admission to their second degree of choice, which will only be possible if there are available spots.


    The admission process aims to identify through its different stages all those aspects of the student's trajectory, both academic and personal, that make them unique and allow us to have the maximum information to take a decision that we understand will be determinant in the student's future.

    In the University of Las Hespérides, for this Double Degree program, there will be two enrollment periods per academic year, with the second one opening if places become available in the first period. Therefore, given the limited number of available spots and the procedures for title homologation, international students are recommended to start this process several months in advance.

    The bodies responsible for carrying out the admissions process are, on one hand, the Office of Admissions and, on the other, the Admissions Committee.

    The Office of Admissions at the University of Las Hespérides will be composed of members of the academic and administrative staff from the University. This office is responsible for handling inquiries about the admissions process and verifying that admission applications are properly completed and include the required supporting documentation. Once the admission documentation (application, curriculum vitae, and academic record) has been verified to be complete, it is forwarded to the Admissions Committee for evaluation.

    The Admission Committee will be composed of a member from the administration, the Director of the Double Degree, a professor from the Double Degree program and the Dean of the Graduate School of the University. 

    The Office of Admissions is available to the student at all times to help with any questions they may have throughout the process. It's crucial that they keep their contact information up-to-date (phone number and email address) along the way.

    Regardless of whether one accesses as a first-year student or as a student from another university, the following steps of the admission process will have to be followed.