October 2025


Four and a half years

Do you want to reason like an economist and manage like a financial expert?
The Dual Degree in Economics + Finance and Accounting of the University of the Hesperides. hThat will give you a clear advantage in overcoming the crises that periodically affect the markets. By integrating theoretical and practical knowledge from both disciplines, you'll have the necessary tools to navigate any storm and take advantage of opportunities as they arise. Without a doubt, combining an economist's perspective with a financial expert's view will make you the sought-after profile in times of uncertainty.
Learn more about our program.
Si you're interested in degrees in Economics and Finance and Accounting from the University of the Hesperides, this is the perfect opportunity to acquire, with just six more months of studyBoth degrees.
Optimize your time
You will obtain two qualifications in an efficient manner, which will enable you to maximize your effort and give momentum to your future professional career.
Solid foundation
You will acquire theoretical foundations that will be your starting point to analyze complex problems and propose solutions based on economic logic.
Theory and practice
You will immerse yourself in the world of finance and discover how to successfully manage the accounts of any company or organization through a combination of theory and practice.
Study Plan:
Our students'

"Despite being 100% online, this university is one of the most engaging and supportive I have ever experienced. The student-professor relationship feels very personal, the faculty members are outstanding professionals, and the organization is excellent. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn while also building an incredible professional network!."
Juan Luis Pavón
Dual Degree student in Economics + Finance and Accounting
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"The sense of security and personal growth I feel here is not an exception—it is the norm at Hespérides. This university brings together people with a genuine curiosity to learn from one another, where both students and professors enrich each other in an environment of closeness and collaboration. More than just an institution, it is a space where authentic connections are made and personal development is encouraged."
Francisco Lara Rivas
Dual Degree student in Economics + Finance and Accounting
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"I decided to give academia one last chance and enrolled at Universidad de las Hespérides. Today, after a year at this institution, I can confidently say that it has been one of the best decisions of my life. It has been a challenging journey, balancing my studies with running my business, but what I have found at this university is something I had never experienced before."
Felipe Bosch Cardoso
Dual Degree student in Economics + Finance and Accounting
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"Universidad de las Hespérides is shaping students who are not only adapting to the future faster than others but also preparing to shape it themselves."
Iván Raja Parra
Dual Degree student in Economics + Finance and Accounting
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Our endorsements:

After reviewing the Hesperides University BA programs in Economics I find they provide a strong and diversified foundation in economics and its applications.
Vernon L. Smith Guarantor

The economy is not a part of the world but rather a way to look at it. And as F.A. Hayek said, an economist who is only an economist won't be a good economist.
Carlos Rodriguez Braun Teacher/Professor

The structure of this program's curricula fits and even improves upon current best practice, making these programs potentially valuable entrants to the existing academic marketplace.
Bryan Caplan Guarantor

This program of University of Las Hespérides is extremely relevant to the times.
New Zealand Guarantor
Conoce a nuestros profesores y conferenciantes:
Do you want to learn from professors with extensive experience in both disciplines? In . hYou will have professors who will challenge you to think in an innovative way and help you find solutions to complex problems of global scope.

Daniel Fernandez Mendez
Ph.D. in Economics from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Director of the Economics Observatory and deputy director of the Energy Center at Universidad de las Hespérides. He has taught at Universidad Francisco Marroquín and has research experience in monetary theory and business cycles. Founder of UFM Market Trends and co-founder of UFM Reform Watch. Content creator for the YouTube channel DaniFernandezCanalEconomia.

Eduardo Fernández Luiña
Ph.D. in Political Processes and dean of the Graduate School at Universidad de las Hespérides. His research focuses on Guatemala's political system and democracy.

Florencia Roca
Ph.D. in Finance from Universidad del CEMA (Argentina) and director of the online Master's in Business Administration at Universidad Francisco Marroquín. She has published extensively on project evaluation and entrepreneurial finance and is a content creator on the YouTube channel FEmprendedores.

José Ruiz de Alda
Graduate in Business Administration and Management from Universidad de Deusto, with master's degrees in Finance and Accounting and in Stock Markets and Financial Markets. An expert in Value Investing, he serves as a board member at CIMA Global Value SICAV and teaches at OMMA Business School and Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles.

José Torres
Ph.D. in Economics, specializing in Public Finance and Economic History. A university professor with extensive research experience, he has participated in national and international conferences, seminars, and roundtables on public economics. His work has been published in prestigious academic journals.

Juan Ramón Rallo
Author of several books, including Anti-Marx, Liberalismo, and Una revolución liberal para España. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and a Law degree from Universidad de Valencia. He is the dean and founder of Universidad de las Hespérides and a professor at various educational institutions. He is also an economic analyst for EsRadio and El Confidencial.

Martín Krause
Ph.D. in Management from Universidad Católica de La Plata. He has been a tenured professor of Economics at Universidad de Buenos Aires and has also lectured at UCEMA, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, and the OMMA-Ayau Center. A board member of the Mont Pelerin Society and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, he has authored multiple books and articles on economics, institutions, and public policy.

Mauricio Garita
Strategic advisor specializing in blockchain, philosophical coaching, and business growth. He leads the companies Vivir Mejor and Olive Tree Capital. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca and an MSc in Blockchain and Currency.

Nikolai Wenzel
Ph.D. in Economics from George Mason University, specializing in institutions and the Austrian School of Economics. Director of the Master's Degree in Economics at Universidad de las Hespérides and a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. Author of over 80 academic articles, several edited volumes, and a book on the debate between libertarianism and conservatism.

Santiago Calvo
Ph.D. in Economics from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. He collaborates with think tanks such as Instituto Juan de Mariana, the Tax Foundation, and Fundalib. Economic analyst for La Voz de Galicia and Radio Galega, and co-author of Que no te engañen (Deusto).
What will you be able to dedicate yourself to?
At the end of your Dual Degree in Economics + Finance and AccountingYou'll find a wide range of professional options before you. On the one hand, you'll be able to work as a solid and strategic financial analyst, with in-depth knowledge of economics, and assume management tasks, advisory services, and financial evaluation in any organization.
In addition, you will also have the opportunity to apply for management positions in companies or other institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and investment funds. On the other hand, you will also be prepared to manage research projects and expand your knowledge on specific areas of economics, whether it's in theory or applied to practice. In this way, you will also have the option to continue your studies with a master's degree or doctorate.
The life of society will be part of your experience in . h
You will enjoy a variety of extracurricular activities such as in-person visits, reading groups and film forums, among others, to enrich your university experience. We believe that social interaction outside of academic activity is essential for establishing connections, having fun, and growing as people. Social life is a fundamental part of a full and successful university life and . h You will be able to be part of new experiences with students and teachers.

Our methodology:
The brochure

Steps to enroll:
Inform yourself of the access requirements and fill out the admission application.
We will be in touch with you.
Send us the documentation that we will request from you
You will be given a personal interview and the Admissions Committee will evaluate your admission
We will communicate our admission decision to you.
Information about financing:

You need help to finance your studies? In . h You can opt for favorable financing conditions.
Visit our
In . h We were born as innovators and a good example of this is our hybrid campus. Yes, just like you hear it, because in our virtual headquarters you will be able to interact in real time with students, teachers, and administrative staff.

In addition, you will have two physical locations at your disposal, one in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and another in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where academic seminars and meetings take place. We're looking forward to seeing you!