

October 2024






Four years




The Master's Degree in Economics of the University of the Hesperides is accredited by the Government of Spain and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

    I want more information.

    Do you want to study economics with a free market approach?

    You sit down to have breakfast: a cup of coffee, a toast, some ham and jam. They're there every day, but what seems so simple is actually the result of countless actions by many people who don't know each other and yet cooperate to get those foods to your table. How do millions of people coordinate without a mastermind?.hYou will respond in depth to this and other questions about how markets work. In this program, you will learn to use solid theoretical knowledge to interpret economic and social reality, recognize trends, and make good decisions. Do you dare look at the world through the eyes of an economist?

    Learn more about our program.

    In .h We have designed a degree program in Economics where you will learn to use economic reasoning, theoretical models and quantitative tools to explain how the world works. Additionally, your training will be interdisciplinary, allowing you to analyze economic phenomena from different perspectives. In this way, you will understand the logic behind business decisions, the incentives generated by monetary policies or why some countries are more prosperous than others.

    Solid theoretical foundation

    You will acquire theoretical foundations that will serve as your starting point to analyze complex problems and propose solutions based on economic logic.

    Practical application

    You will apply your knowledge through professional practices in renowned research centers and international-level companies.

    International Red

    You will have access to the network of recognized economists who make up the team of professors, speakers and endorsers of the Master's Degree in Economics. .h.

    Study Plan:

    Would you like to live an educational experience on campus for one or two semesters?

    In the University of Las Hesperides, we value Freedom to choose your path. Thank you our agreement with Universidad Francisco Marroquín now you can complement your studies with a On-campus stay of 1 or 2 semesters at our Madrid or Guatemala campus. This opportunity is available for fourth, fifth and sixth semester students.

    Take this opportunity to broaden your horizons, connect with people from different cultures, and live the university life to the fullest. Turn your education into an international adventure and enrich your future with one-of-a-kind experiences.

    Guatemala Campus
    Madrid campus

    Educational model .h

    Meet our professors and staff:

    Want to learn from professors with extensive experience in economic analysis? In .hYou will have professors who will infect you with their passion for the complex mechanism of markets, challenge you to think innovatively and help you find solutions to globally scaled complex problems.

    Meet them here:

    What will you be able to dedicate yourself to?

    When you graduate, you'll be ready to manage research projects that allow expanding knowledge on specific areas of economics in the theoretical or applied practice field. You'll be able to work as a consultant for companies and organizations, bringing your economic vision and logic to achieve goals. You'll have a solid foundation to start careers in finance, market analysis, business management, international trade, economic development, urban planning, and journalism, among others. And also, you'll be able to continue your studies with a master's or Ph.D.

    The life of society will be part of your experience in .h

    You will enjoy a variety of extracurricular activities such as in-person visits, reading groups and film forums, among others, to enrich your university experience. We believe that social interaction outside of academic activity is essential for establishing connections, having fun, and growing as people. Social life is a fundamental part of a full and successful university life and .h You will be able to be part of new experiences with students and teachers.


    Our methodology:

    In .hYou will be constantly immersed in an active and collaborative learning digital ecosystem. Rather than just an observer, you will be part of a dynamic learning community with members from all over the world.

    The brochure


      Steps to enroll:


      Inform yourself of the access requirements and fill out the admission application.


      We will be in touch with you.


      Send us the documentation that we will request from you


      You will be given a personal interview and the Admissions Committee will evaluate your admission


      We will communicate our admission decision to you.

      Information about financing:


      You need help to finance your studies? In .h You can opt for favorable financing conditions.

      Visit our

      In .h We were born as innovators and a good example of this is our hybrid campus. Yes, just like you hear it, because in our virtual headquarters you will be able to interact in real time with students, teachers, and administrative staff.


      In addition, you will have two physical locations at your disposal, one in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and another in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where academic seminars and meetings take place. We're looking forward to seeing you!